Interviewing for C-Suite roles is probably the hardest and most detailed process when it comes to hiring in any startup. After all, having a strong executive management is one of the most key things when it comes to a successful business. The interview process for the C-suite requires potential candidates to not only showcase their leadership skills and style but also showcase who they are as a person, their industry knowledge, skill, insight and relevant experience.
To help with this difficult process, Storm4 came up with a few tips for you to consider when conducting C-Suite interviews for your GreenTech.
Six tips on how to conduct a GreenTech C-Suite interview:
Run over all the most important job responsibilities and ask for real solutions
Because executives hold a lot of power and responsibility in the company, it is essential to find someone who can manage their tasks well. That’s why it is important to run over all the specifics related to the job – the daily responsibilities, lines of reporting, and with whom the executive will be working with directly. To make this process a bit more interesting, present the candidate with certain problems your team is suffering with, and ask them to walk you through their reasoning on how they will solve it. You can also describe a process your company is using and ask the candidate to identify inefficiencies. By evaluating the way they’re thinking, it will be easier to see if the potential hire is the right fit for you and your company.
Listen and assess their potential
Although it might seem like a no-brainer, this tip stems directly from the previous one. Listening to what the candidate says, and assessing their potential based on their thinking and problem solving is crucial when making any hire, but especially in the process of looking for an executive. It might so happen that the perfect candidate doesn’t have experience related to, for example, the GreenTech sector. But that does not immediately mean they’re not fit for the job. Listening carefully to everything the candidate says can help spot green or red flags. On the other hand, the candidate might seem perfect at the first glance, but by evaluating your conversation you might arrive at a conclusion that this person doesn’t have the potential your company is looking for. Make sure you communicate clearly not only with the candidate but also others involved in the process to find the best solution.
Be flexible and prepared for everything
Everybody would love every single recruiting process to go according to plan. But simply put, that won’t be the case every single time. That’s why, when conducting a c-suite interview for your GreenTech it is important to be flexible and prepared for anything. Many things can happen unexpectedly so it’s best to consider different scenarios. Additionally, be prepared for any types of questions that the candidate might have. It can be anything, from the specifics of the job to the compensation or if a relocation package is available, have a proper answer for everything. That will showcase to the potential hire that you’re organized and have thought of all necessities, which is definitely a green flag!
Consider cultural fit
Cultural fit, although not absolutely crucial, is definitely one of the top things to consider when making an executive hire. After all, you want somebody that will fit well with the company’s environment, but also feel comfortable in themselves. That will ensure that the person in the leadership position will make sure that the employees are aligned with the mission of the company, as nobody will vouch for something they do not feel comfortable in.
Make sure you include some cultural-fit questions within the process, so you can assess how well the company’s values will resonate with the candidate.
Trust but verify the references
Because you’re looking to make a crucial hire, asking and verifying the references of the candidate is very important. Asking them about their references will reinforce the expectations for candidates to be forthcoming, and by verifying them properly, you can potentially avoid making a big mistake. Nobody is perfect, so make sure you let the potential hire know that checking the references has no malicious intent in it, just a precaution.
Check their market knowledge
Although previous experience within GreenTech is not necessarily the most crucial, market knowledge is. Make sure to assess the potential candidate on how well they understand the sector and the subsector your company works in and who are the potential competitors. That will prove that the potential candidate has not only done their research, but they’re actively thinking about the position of the company within the market. This step will be crucial for the future when it comes to planning and strategy-making.
Making executive hires is never an easy task, and conducting a C-Suite GreenTech interview is even harder. Since GreenTech is growing at such exponential speed, the war for talent is greater than ever. At Storm4, we pride ourselves on working with the best talent across all GreenTech sectors, so in case you’re looking to expand your team, don’t hesitate to contact us to accelerate the mission of a more sustainable future.